21st Century Educational Alternatives: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Patriarchy, Militarism, and the Climate Crisis
快來參加TAP和志趣相投的學者參加四月份的虛擬CIES會議。該會議首次包括主題專題“ 21世紀社會主義:父權制,種族資本主義和氣候變化的全球替代方案”。以下課程:
Our new SIG, 21st Century Educational Alternatives: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Patriarchy, Militarism, and the Climate Crisis is now official at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). It was formed by us, The Alternatives Project. TAP is a diverse, transnational collective of progressive academics, union members, civil society activists, and social movement participants concerned with building a global collective critical voice-oriented towards education and societal transformation. We felt CIES needed a place and home for progressive scholars who are seeking more fundamental changes to comparative and international education and related research, so we formed this SIG.